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profile-icon Erin Moore
LexiComp, one of your tried and true drug resources, has undergone a new branding and naming campaign and shall be known henceforth as (drumroll): LexiDrug! Read on to learn about some of the newly highlighted features on one of your fave drug platforms!
profile-icon Erin Moore
The day had almost gotten away from me before I had a chance to say "Happy National Librarian Day!" Today, I'll be glad to shamelessly toot our own horns, so to speak, to show gratitude for the work that librarians due as stewards of literacy, curiosity,
profile-icon Erin Moore
It's time to add PubMed's Clinical Queries search tool to your search repertoire! Check out librarian Erin's 10-minute library learning presentation to learn more about how you can save time and target high-quality research studies fast! 
profile-icon Erin Moore
The 2024 theme for National Library Week theme is Ready, Set, Library! Traditionally viewed as a noun or place to go, a library is more appropriately a verb. That's right: "Librarying" is a thing you can do!