The Guidelines for Perioperative Practice provide quick and easy access to evidence-based recommendations through multiple views, including quick view, outline, and full view. The Accreditation Assistant aligns accreditation standards with AORN guidelines to improve survey preparation and save staff time, available for The Joint Commission and AAAHC standards. The At a Glance Library offers illustrated, step-by-step guides for various perioperative practices, such as positioning, procedures, skin prep, anesthesia, medication, hand-over tools, and room setup. Additionally, users can access over 200 clinical FAQs, numerous guideline implementation tools, and a library of ebooks on various perioperative topics.
Banner Health acquires eBooks that support the needs of our customers. Our collection is intended to reach the widest audience possible. We acquire books from publishers we contract with and make them available through our book collections. Books can be searched in the individual collections or by using our OneSearch-eBook tab. The library will always consider new book suggestions.