In observation of National Suicide Prevention Month this September, we encourage you to visit the Banner Health Library website to access current knowledge-based, clinical information resources. Request training in the use of library resources for you or team! You can also request individual, full-text articles or a literature search on your topic(s) of choice.
The subject of suicide is delicate and deserving of the utmost attention and care. As I write this, my former classmates are mired in the thick fog of grief, trying to reconcile the death of a friend and loved one whose life was cut short. No one is exempt from the terrible pervasiveness of suicide. I wish I could say this is an isolated incident, but it's not. In the past 18 months alone, I have known far too many individuals whose lives have been massively and abrupted flipped upside-down in the wake of suicide.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, discussions about healthcare delivery and suicide prevention are more urgent than ever. If you would like assistance locating timely, knowledge-based resources on many different aspects of suicide awareness and prevention, please contact library staff for support. We are here to support you.
Other Resources:
- Plug into Banner Health Library Services to access a wealth of information resources, including databases, ebooks, journal articles, clinical decision support tools, and more.
- The National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) is an authoritative organization working to end the stigma and provide crisis support.
- View a Pubmed collection of research published in the past 1 year on the subject of suicide (includes meta-analysis, systematic review, clinical trials, and randomized controlled trials).
- For Banner Employees :As shared in the September 8th edition of the Banner Buzz: Know the Warning Signs & Aetna's Resources for Living (includes guided lessons and virtual counseling): Resources for Living| Username: Banner, Password: EAP
- High-level research on Suicide Risk-Assessment and Suicide Prevention from TRIP database
- Check out the Banner Yammer Community Feeds to see what topics, discussion, or resources have been shared at our organization