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2nd Installment of The Research Rundown from Banner Health Library Services!

by Erin Moore on 2022-06-01T09:19:00-07:00 in Education, Evidence-based practice, Nursing: Nursing research | 0 Comments

Welcome to the 2nd installment of the Banner Health Library Services Research Rundown To foster information-sharing and contribute to a "Spirit of Inquiry", the Research Rundown shines a quarterly spotlight on trending research topics of broad appeal.

When frontline healthcare workers request our expertise, we get a glimpse into the clinical questions that matter to you. Those questions are vital to many aspects of patient care. Frankly, the knowledge and information work we do is a reflection of the work you do.

If you would like more information about the topics below, or any other healthcare topics of interest, please reach out and request a literature search, full-text articles, or library training/instruction. We can also help you set up auto email alerts (eTocs or PubMed search alerts, for example) to efficiently track literature in your areas of interest.

Without further delay, trending topics from March through May of 2022 include:

  • Active vs Passive Postoperative Voiding Trials
  • Authentic Leadership in Healthy Work Environments
  • Barriers to Escalation of Care
  • Central Line Securement & Infection Prevention
  • Contact Precautions for New Mothers
  • Culturally Competent Care & Discharge Planning
  • Efficiency Improvement in the Operating Room
  • Emotional Intelligence & Assessment/Teaching
  • Healthcare Disparities & Outcomes Research
  • Hypertension & Medication Adherence
  • Promoting Racial Equity in Research Design
  • Psychological Safety of Healthcare Workers
  • Second Victim Syndrome
  • Suicidality & Hospital Patients

It is our privilege to support you in making healthcare easier so life can be better. We look forward to working with you. Please contact library staff to connect!

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