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Connection & Curiosity: a Chat with Erin the Banner Health Librarian

by Erin Moore on 2024-10-22T04:51:00-07:00 in Clinical decision-making, Education | 0 Comments

Celebrating National Medical Librarian Month! 🎉

As you explore our library services, don’t forget that our amazing librarians are here to support your real-life questions about education, patient care, and research. This week, we had the pleasure of catching up with Erin, one of our dedicated Banner Librarians. Let’s get to know her a bit better!

What do you enjoy most about medical librarianship?

There’s so much to love! I thrive on facilitating meaningful connections rooted in curiosity and enabled by technology. Librarians are natural seekers of information, and we’re passionate about sharing what we find. I enjoy acting as a bridge between healthcare professionals and vital resources, helping you get the best answers to your questions. Plus, generative AI is an exciting tool we’re exploring creatively, but our focus remains on understanding its strengths and limitations. Ever heard of "AI hallucinations?" It's a thing.

What should people know about your role?

It’s important to recognize that librarianship is a legitimate profession with professional standards. We’re not just “article pullers”—our skill sets encompass IT, knowledge management, and education. Sometimes you may need to workshop an idea, conduct a systematic review, or refine a research question. We’re here to help with all of that! Our work supports knowledge-based treatment and diagnostic information that impacts real lives, driving policy changes at both the unit and systemwide levels. That responsibility is something we take seriously.

What’s currently inspiring you?

 Oh, I have so many interests! I’m really into political analysis podcasts right now, which I listen to during my morning walks. I also enjoy fitness and medical-themed shows—definitely check out Banner Health’s own Making the Rounds! The Exam Room, Nutrition Facts (featuring host Michael Gregor), and Cut the Crap are in the rotation.  With Halloween approaching, I recommend Doctor Death and Sympathy Pains for some spooky storytelling. My husband and I are currently watching KAOS (Apple TV) and the latest season of Shrinking (Netflix).

When it comes to reading, I’m juggling The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin and The Autobiography of Malcolm X. I’m a big fan of audiobooks too, and I’m excited to have titles by Octavia Butler on hold at my local public library. Graphic Medicine is also genre I absolutely love (check out Marbles and Hole in the Heart).

Plus, as an avid music lover and guitar player/songwriter, I’m always inspired by the power of music to connect people and tell stories. Will definitely need a separate blog for all of those inspirations, I think. 

Of course, libraries have always felt like home to me because they open up a universe of possibility. When I visit the library, that's what it feels like: possibility. I've always loved that. It's magical, really. I don't know many other institutions that give me that feeling without the need to spend a dime.

Thanks for taking the time to learn a little bit more about one of our Banner Health librarians. Be on the lookout for more team spotlights! Your librarians are here to support you in being successful as a learner and healthcare professional, and also in upholding our mission to make healthcare easier so life can be better. 

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