Library Staff extend their gratitude to our Veterans. We know words fall short, but we thank you, very much, for your inexplicable sacrifices. If you yourself are a Veteran or are providing care to Veterans and their families, please allow the library to support you in your search for high-quality, knowledge-based information.
We can assist you in developing search strategies to target the best, most current health information in a variety of formats, on a number of topics. We consider ourselves partners and share your curiosity and even your sense of urgency for locating health information.
If you are short on time, enlist us to query quality information resources on your behalf:
- – your source for all-things-library
- Request full-text Articles, Training/Instruction, or Lit Searches
- Utilize our ‘Chat’ feature on the library home page to connect with library staff in real-time
- Book an appointment with library staff on a variety of topics (advanced search techniques, navigating the library website, utilizing specific ebooks, databases, or clinical support resources, etc)
- Check out all of the avenues for getting Help & Support
- Need help after 4:00pm? Search our extensive FAQ Database!
- Learn more about requesting items