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UACOM-P/BUMCP Medical Education Conferences

Contacts for Department of Medicine

Contacts for Department of Medicine

Emily Mallin

Veronica Nundahl

Alfonso Laurent

Antoinette Guliford

Resources List

Full list of Resources the library subscribes to or recommends, including trial access.
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What's New

Teamwork and Library Evolution : a Chat with Learning & Library Support Director, Bryan Nugent
Today, we wrap National Librarian's Month with Bryan Nugent, Director of the Learning & Library support team at Banner. As the familiar adage goes, we saved the best for last. 
Far Beyond Conventional Expectations: a Chat with Amy Nadell about Librarianship
As October's National Medical Librarian Month nears a close, I had the chance to talk with  Amy Nadell about librarianship. We hope you enjoy getting to know our wonderful team mates. It's definitely an exciting time to be a librarian!
Connection & Curiosity: a Chat with Erin the Banner Health Librarian
Celebrating National Medical Librarian month, don’t forget that our amazing librarians are here to support your real-life questions about education, patient care, and research. This week, we chatted with Erin the Librarian!
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