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Hot New Resource: 2024 AORN Guidelines Now Available!

by Erin Moore on 2024-03-18T05:17:00-07:00 in Evidence-based practice, Nursing, Nursing: Medical-surgical nursing, Surgery | 0 Comments


The 2024 AORN Guidelines are now available from the Banner Health Library Services website. Follow the steps below to get off the sidelines and use those guidelines! .


Starting at

  1. Click on the Resources pulldown
  2. Select "Databases"













Once you are routed to a listing of available databases:

  1. Click on the 'A' to jump to the alphabetical listing for AORN
  2. Select the "AORN eGuidelines" link 
















While viewing the AORN eGuidelines home page, do not be deterred if the word "login" appears in the upper right corner. You do indeed have access through the Banner subscription. You may go head and create a personal account if you'd like to customize your AORN experience (i.e., add favorites, etc).

  1.  Click on the Guidelines tab and click Quick View under a guideline of interest. View photos & videos and read a bulleted overview.
  2. Click on the At a Glance tab and select a clinical topic, such as procedures or positioning. View illustrated, step-by-step guides.
  3. You'll note the screen reads "Access Provided by Banner Health" in upper right corner. Yes, you do have full access even if it says "login". Create a personal account to customize your AORN eGuidelines experience.
  4. We highly recommend you to view the "Guidelines Overview" video to learn about how to use the site and take advantage of the great features!
















Enjoy your access to the guidelines and please contact the library team with feedback!






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