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Highlighting LexiDrug, Formerly Known as Lexicomp

by Erin Moore on 2024-04-22T04:10:00-07:00 in Education, Frequently used, Pharmacology & toxicology | 0 Comments

LexiComp, one of your tried and true drug resources, has undergone a new branding and naming campaign and shall be known henceforth as (drumroll): LexiDrug! The new name is a slight deviation from the predecessor but the name seems better aligned with the nature of the content.

  1. Krames is still the chosen Patient Education resource
  2. Indexes - Access all Charts/Special Topics in the Indexes link under More Clinical Tools, then locate your desired database
  3. Advanced Search Option
  4. New FDA Drug Approvals section
  5. Help and Training Videos, as well as mobile access codes (if you  have installed the companion app!)

















Let's look closesly at "Indexes" (#2 above) heading to highlight some important features:

  1. Patient Education Disclaimer
  2. Indexes heading
  3. Database listing
  4. Charts/Special Topics (you may do a simple keyword search to return charts and special topics as well, but you can also link directly to this content as demonstrated


















Here's a bit more magnified view of charts/special topics feature

  1. Go directly to Charts/Special Topics




















Lastly, please check out our comprehensive LexiDrug FAQ to learn more!

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