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**NEW eBook** - Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing (10th ed)

by Erin Moore on 2024-03-25T04:00:00-07:00 in Evidence-based practice, Nursing | 0 Comments

The Banner Learning & Library Support team is pleased to provide you with access to the 10th edition of the Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing

Description from publisher

This Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing contains an updated scope of practice statement and 17 revised standards for the clinical and administrative professional practice of ambulatory care registered nurses (RNs).

The 10th edition contains significant revisions from previous versions. In addition to the revised scope of practice, this publication contains 17 standards.

The first six standards address the phases of the nursing process; the last 11 standards address professional performance.

These changes offer clarification and specificity for the distinct domains of clinical and administrative nursing practice in ambulatory care settings.

How Do I Find this eBook on Library Website?

There are a few different ways to find and use this ebook, but I'll share 2 of those ways here. Starting from the library website:  (

Method #1:  View New eBook Purchases - Generally, if you want to see the newest ebook purchases made by the library, starting from library website>"Resources">"Books". The most recent ebook purchases are displayed here on the library website.

Method #2: Search for eBook by Title - Below, I've provided some screenshots to help you learn how to search for this (or other ebooks) from the library site.














  1. Select the eBooks tab
  2. Type in your title and click on search













  1. Select EBSCO ebooks (vendor providing access to the ebook) and you'll be linked out to the ebook


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