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Ready, Set, Library! April 7-13th is National Library Week!

by Erin Moore on 2024-04-08T04:48:00-07:00 in Education | 0 Comments

The 2024 theme for National Library Week theme is Ready, Set, Library! Basically, that means library is not only a noun but it is especially a verb. That's right:  "Librarying" is something to do. Whether you choose to visit a local library branch, take your children to library programming, download an audiobook for a sunny day (ooooh, that sounds nice), or flex your creative and scientific muscles in a STEAM lab or makerspace, you have so many options. For example, the Phoenix Public Libraries are offering solar eclipse viewing events. Whoa!  I'm always amazed by the plentitude of fun and creative programs offered daily across the nation's libraries.

Let's take a look at some of the daily observances throughout National Library Week. Check out the American Library Association (ALA) website to learn more about how you can celebrate. 

  • Monday, April 8: Right to Read Day is a National Day of Action in support of the right to read. The State of America's Libraries Report is released, including Top Ten Most Challenged Books of 2023. #RightToReadDay
  • Tuesday, April 9: National Library Workers Day, a day for everyone to recognize the valuable contributions made by library workers. #NLWD24
  • Wednesday, April 10: National Library Outreach Day, a day the dedicated library professionals who are meeting their patrons where they are. #LibraryOutreachDay
  • Thursday, April 11: Take Action for Libraries Day, a day for all library advocates to affirm their participation in 2024 elections. #TakeActionForLibraries


I'd also like to encourage all Banner team members to visit the Banner Library and learn about a new resource or service. While the Banner library is fully remote to better provide systemwide support for all staff; make no mistake: librarying is still very much a verb at Banner as well.. Visit to request individual or group training, literature searches, full text articles or peruse the wealth of books, article databases, and Point of Care tools (UpToDate, Cochrane Library, LexiDrug [formerly Lexicomp]) at your fingertips!

How Do YOU library?

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