Even when Google is your first stop, some resources pride themselves on make locating guidelines even easier.
If you're a card-carrying member of your respective medical organizations and societies, finding guideline information on those websites may be a reasonable and frequent stop along the way.
Another option is to search for guidelines embedded within other (subscription) resources, available via Banner Health Library Services. Did you know that you can also type your keywords right into the default search box on the library home site? That is a OneSearch "Discovery" search and may link you with guidelines. UpToDate point-of-care summary tool also comes to mind. Users may quickly target guidelines conveniently linked within the body of the summary.
Locating guidelines in databases (ahem, PubMed is free) is also plausible. Basic keyword searching can certainly get you what you need; but in a database with 25+ million biomedical abstracts, you're likely to return an overwhelming number of results. Pro tip: use a guideline search filter or target your search by use of Medical Subject (MeSh) headings, in this case "Guidelines as Topic"[Mesh]. Your librarians can teach you how!
Even though there are numerous ways to find guidelines, a centralized location is still super helpful when you need to zero in on the most relevant content or browse across multiple specialties. That's where Guideline Central edges out the likes of the great Googley Moogley, a specific society or organization website, or a large biomedical database like PubMed. I must say I was pleasantly surprised with the sleek search interface and relative ease of use I encountered while trying out Guideline Central.
View my screenshots below that highlight a few attractive search features:
- Conduct Keyword search
- Browse by Specialty
- Browse by Organization
- Browse by Date
- View Newest Guidelines and scroll to view "Featured" and popular
- View sizable list of available Organizations!
*Guideline Central has a great mobile app and offers a subscription version if interested.
Please connect with Banner Health Library Services if you have questions about locating guidelines. We've got you!
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