As Nurses Week 2022 commences, Banner Health Library Services staff wish to thank you, the Nursing Profession, for the incredible care that you provide us in our greatest time of need. Words alone cannot express our immense gratitude. The truth is, we don't know what it feels like to be in your shoes and scrubs, working arduous hours and sacrificing day after day. We don't know what it feels like to be on the front lines of patient care and won't pretend like we do.
But we know what it feels like to be in your care when we're at our most vulnerable. Yes, you are caring for our hearts, brains, bodies - our physical selves; but it is also your tenderness and presence that contribute to a much deeper kind of care that speaks to our humanity, our spirit. You have a way of being with us that is profoundly impactful and that eclipses attempts to quantify the invaluable work you do. You are brave, knowledgeable, and, indeed, "rooted in strength". You are also deserving of the compassion, care, and love you extend to others.
As library staff, we have the unique honor of supporting you from the sidelines. We look forward to receiving your requests for library training, full-text articles, literature searches, and partnership. In striving toward our common goal and mission, our work in serving you remains purposeful, satisfying. Please reach out. We are ready to support you!
Highlighted Resources:
- OVID Emcare: nursing and allied health database ideal for practice, research, or education. Includes access to nearly 5 million records FAQ : How Do I Use OVID Emcare?
- American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) - Nurses Month Freebies & Discounts
- American Nursing Association Ebook Collection - See Guide To Access These Titles (Includes Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements, Guide to Nursing's Social Policy Statement, and Nursing Scope & Standards of Practice)
- Rare Audio Recording of the Voice of Florence Nightingale from 1890 - Youtube Video
- Thank a Nurse! Send an MVP card
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