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profile-icon Erin Moore
How can you actively combat health care racism that results in significant harm and death? Join me in elevating Black voices and the lived experiences shared in this article. Contribute to change that can be felt and seen.
profile-icon Erin Moore

September 15 - October 15 marks National Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month. The Banner Health Library is a great resource for discovering quality clinical information pertaining to medicine and the Latinx community. Need quality consumer health information or government information (CDC) about health disparities across the Hispanic and Latinx communities? League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is another good bet. Digging deeper into targeting high-level evidence for managing diabetes or chronic illness in Hispanic/Latinx populations?  Not only can we direct you to high-quality resources, but we partner with you to target information-retrieval strategies that get you relevant, meaningful results. 

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  • Quick run-down of all things library! (Start here for information on access to the library, databases, ebooks, clinical decision support resources, drug information, and specialized services!)