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The Research Rundown is Back with Installment 4!

by Erin Moore on 2023-05-26T05:30:00-07:00 in Education, Help, Nursing: Evidence-based practice, Nursing: Nursing research | 0 Comments

When I first considered the purpose behind introducing the Research Rundown to the wider Banner community, one of my hopes was that the powerful act of sharing would inspire you to seek out answers to your health care questions. That is still the case. More still?: I want you to think of the Library Services team as your partner in your quest for life-changing information.

Seeing the health care issues your co-workers care about might inspire you to turn your inquiry into action. And whether you're continuing your education, making change on your unit, or seeking out treatment information to support your patients, you've got questions. Lots of them.

What challenges have you encountered in your day-to-day work? What kinds of barriers or problems have you identified in caring for patients? Chances are, you have more questions than you can count.

Now is the time to launch an investigation and start digging deeper into these questions. Have you been putting off an important conversation with a co-worker or manager? Is your team updating a policy, implementing a quality improvement project, or clueless about how to craft a search strategy using  MeSH headings? The library has your back. 

Here are some of the topics your co-workers have been investigating: *click on the 2023-2024 tab to view linked searches

Please call on your library team members to help you navigate and search the biomedical literature and take advantage of the stellar resources at your fingertips. If you need to schedule a library presentation or training on a variety of topics, don't hesitate. 

In reviewing hundreds of the questions that have presented to the library virtual service desk in the last handful of months, it's no surprise that the spirit of inquiry is alive and well at Banner. (If you need more evidence that Banner staff care about research, check out the Nursing Research & EBP Repository.) With the 3rd installment of the Research Rundown, we added a companion LibGuide linking to an RSS feed of relevant publications. Installment #4 keeps with that trend. 

Thank you for checking out the Research Rundown! Contact your library peeps with questions:)

~Erin Moore, Banner Librarian

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