The library is making changes to how you access your OpenAthens account. On March 1st, you will receive an email from with a new user name and instructions for resetting your password.
Alternatively, if you have a Banner Health email, you will soon be able to bypass the OpenAthens login screen and utilize Single Sign On with the Mobile Pass App instead.
The changes are being made to ensure access to our online content remains secure. They are also being made so many users have the convenience of utilizing a single user name and password to access all Banner Health tools and platforms. We are also working to minimize clicks to get to content.
Highlights of content that will be available via OpenAthens include:
NEJM online and current journal collections from JAMA, LWW, Sage, Springer, and Wiley
OneSearch, Medline and Emcare Nursing Databases
Access Pediatrics and Access Emergency Medicine
Stat!Ref books and clinical tools
The Cochrane Library
Micromedex, Lexicomp, and Natural Medicines Database
Lippincott Advisor and Lippincott Procedures
Hale’s Medications and Mother’s Milk
Nutrition Care Manual/Pediatric Nutrition Care Manual
BrowZine and Read by QxMD Journal Apps
We are doing our best to ensure the March 1st change goes as smoothly as possible. If you notice any access errors, or have any questions or concerns, please contact library staff. We are available by phone or chat weekdays from 8:00am – 4:30pm and may also be reached at We appreciate your input.
Thank you.
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