Journal reading apps are now available to make it more convenient to keep up with the latest articles! To get an electronic version of the Table of Contents of your favorite journals, sign up for a BrowZine account. You can you save articles to read later and request articles from Banner Library Services if the full article does not immediately download.
1. From your mobile device: Download BrowZine by following this link link or search in the app store.
From your desktop computer: A Web Version is also available:
2. Add Banner Health Tap on the Browzine icon and a list of libraries will appear, select Banner Health. Enter your Banner Health login credentials when prompted.
3. Start browsing! Use the Subject dropdown menu to browse by subject categories or our Titles A to Z to find a specific title by name.
4. Please note: If you have been previously been using BrowZine with your OpenAthens account, you will need delete the app and reinstall it.
Users may still access saved articles and free articles
1. Download Read by QxMD by following this link or search in the app store.
2. Add Banner Health to your "Account Settings" under "Institutional Access." If you have a Banner Health email, please use your email login credentials for the automatic login. You will be asked to approve access on the Microsoft Authenticator app. If you do not have a Banner email, you may use OpenAthens login credentials for automatic login.
Already have Read by QxMD? To change from a different institution or from OpenAthens login to email login:
A web version is also available at